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This page displays some email correspondence exchanged between prelimiary parties into the 'UWA vs de Mello' lawsuit in relevance to incidents occured in 2007. These are FIRST DRAFT jottings which shed light into the very nature of academic malpractice within two Western Australian University institutions.  It is by no means a complete account of occurences.

15-8-2013 Letter to Ombudsman

Dear Sir/Dame,


Whilst studying at the University of Western Australia, and Murdoch, I was marginalized for simply being the best performing academic student. I am not going to list here the university dramas I experienced at the University of Notre Dame and Edith Cowan University, this primarily because it is the outcome of the academic panel at UWA that had dire implications on me not attaining let alone one interview in any prestigious oil and gas corporation Australia wide.


The matter is simple, after my first semester at UWA in 2006 I then decided I needed to boost my grades significantly in order to secure employment given completion of my degree (it is a very competitive field).  So in the beginning of 2007 I decided to literally memorize ALL my university notes, of mention is the fact that I NEVER answered a question incorrectly for the duration of my Masters course in any of the final exams – some I could have expanded on the question a bit more than necessary but this was not seen as essential.  Back then the Masters course was somewhat harder than standard university courses, it being comprised of two intensive units every six weeks.  The university actually withheld my results for the following units ‘till the subsequent six unit results came along:


2007 - Email to Frank Tudor IMMEDIATELY after receiving previous 8 academic results



Dear reader,


Now let me tell you about this latest bit of drama that has happened to me.  Given my low ~70’s average I needed to boost my academic grades up astronomically, so indeed I continued my study routine for the next 6 units, that is, I memorized and learnt every single word and articulated

Journal Entry - Random Clarification


The outcome of my failed ‘coerced’ academic appeal has in many ways sepulchred my professional working career indefinitely, this as the oil and gas industry does not bear creed to bestowing individuals to ‘second chances’.   The lecturers in question for the scandal at UWA were as follows as best I can recollect: David Bacarrini, Eric May, Vamegh, Jorge, Paul Tiernan, Frank Tudor, Brad Stappenbelt, Jessica Padman, Bob Hurle, Brett Kirk (Dean of School) not to mention auxiliary staff.  Whereas the lecturers involved in the case at Murdoch University were as follows: Renae Desai (or Renae ‘Desae’), Christina Tan, Tyron Love and Kate Fitch (also the head Dean).



Project Management                                     69%

Petroleum Fluids                                          80%


(of note was that my lecturer for ‘Project Management’ stated that 69 was his favourite number to grade students – this in class at the beginning of the course)


My following six grades were as follows:


Oil & Gas Economics                                      68%

Oil and Gas Legal Frameworks                         68%

Facilities Design                                            68%

Drilling Engineering                                        68%

Ocean Engineering                                         78%

Completions Engineering                                64%


(my formal academic appeal, the longest legal page appeal lodged in history of UWA, and various other notes of relevance are included as a zipped document)


Read ‘Academic Travesty.doc’ in order to understand – the odds of scoring ~4-5 identical scores stands at approximately one in three million.  64 & 68 being the only percentile numbers with a 100% connotation when converted to binary (0100 0000, 0100 0100) and furthermore I was guaranteed by the lecturer in Completions Engineering that I had the highest mark for the mid-semester project (the only other assessment for the unit asides from the exam, en par of importance to the exam in relevance to grades) – but when it came to collection of the assignment itself, many months after, I was erroneously marked wrongly, this intentionally when there was nothing wrong with the paper itself (the lecturer relocated to England so I could not confront her + time had passed intentionally).  Other classmates with inferior papers than mine (both in length and quality) attained higher grades.


Reference: ‘Case Study.doc’ in ‘University Hand Notes @ UWA’ folder.


When I confronted the Dean of School, Brett Kirk, I was informed that the results were ‘like winning lotto’, and later I was informed that if I were to pursue this appeal further that there would be repercussions and that it was best that I give up on my appeal, which I did given further talks with my dissertation supervisor at the time.  The matter is that my study regime entailed me arising out of bed at about 4-5am in the morning and pretty much studying the WHOLE day and attending my evening lecturers.  I asked intelligent questions in class and every Indian student sought my help for assignments, not to mention advice (I was well respected amongst students).  I also had the habit of pointing out discrepancies of course work in class which may have embarrassed a few lecturers.


Frank Tudor (whom may be working at ‘Western Power’ if needed to be tracked down), one of my lecturers for two of my classes, indicated that ‘Paul Tiernan’ had in fact been ‘too harsh’ in marking my final exam paper.  In fact I had to mark a consultation with Mr Paul directly at the ‘Woodside’ corporate building just to sight my exam paper of which he kept a copy seemingly as a trophie.  When sighting my exam paper I noticed that a page of my paper had been missing (in regards to a certain essay question) and that several questions I was not granted the full marks despite having the correct answers.  Paul was rather intimidating in demeanour so I did not proceed with my appeal further as it was apparent all my lecturers colluded into granting me the mark they desired.  It was my theory, alongside other classmates, that indeed for every unit I scored 68% on I indeed had the highest mark in the class for the final exam, and the 64% in turn was referential of the best mark in class for all assessments for the unit – the binary coding had something to do with this belief.


The fact of the matter is that because of my low grades I was not granted a single interview upon graduating from my Masters in any oil and gas company (this despite having more work experience that competing colleagues).  I was left with no other option but to study a post graduate diploma in ‘Management and Leadership’ at Edith Cowan University.  Of course, after my grade appeal I stopped studying to the extent I used to but what is readily noticeable is that my grades jumped up (and I was not studying as hard) both at UWA and later ECU.  I was still unable to attain an interview (grades mean everything within the oil and gas industry and my ambition was to work as a drilling engineer of which not only I memorized all my study notes but I memorized the textbook – not in zipped file).  What ensued next is that I was unemployed for a while; this being too overqualified for any other minor job.  And in 2010 I studied at the University of Notre Dame before being unemployed for an additional period of one year just studying my old notes and career & management textbooks.


In 2012 I studied at Murdoch university, this as the oil and gas industry just had passed new law stating they would not consider any candidate for an interview if more than two years had passed since the date of their graduation – I needed to be a student in order to be considered within the Oil and Gas industry.  But this is where the problem arose yet again...  Public relations, the course I was studying, was too basic; to the extreme – this as I was used to studying engineering and ultimately brain boggling complex issues.  I made a lasting impression at Murdoch University and I would not be surprised if I scarred the lecturers for life.


Kate Fitch, a lecturer of mine and the school dean, once dragged me to her office and tried persuading me to drop out of the course under the claim that I had nothing new to gain and/or learn from it.  I told her about the dilemmas of my grades at UWA and I believe this was the crucial factor that motivated her to pick and choose a lower grade for myself.  I achieved the following insulting grades at Murdoch University:


Professional Communications                           67%

Media Relations                                              65%

Issues and Crisis Management                          68%


I in fact demoralized the class in speech presentation assessments (and I have never been one that is good at public speaking), and this time I made an effort that sent Renae Desai shocked in embarrassment, not to mention other colleagues.  I was an over performer throughout, I was the only student that completed ALL tutorial exercises (same with ECU), and I did other classmate’s work in good spirit as well – every student was well aware that I was operating at more advanced level than them, and some grew to envy me because of my feats – the reality is the work itself was more akin to kindergarten when comparing the complexity of work I used to deal with.


To include an example of my standard of writing you should check the file ‘Grade Spiel.pdf’ inside the zipped document as that illustrates my final two hour exam for one of my subjects (I requested to sit a typed exam so that I could keep a copy of it after I finished it for PROOF that indeed I would be marginalized).  The paper itself is a masterpiece but did you know that for this exam I must have received a mark of about 51%, this as there was no other way that my semester grade could have been dragged to such a low mark of 67% - it is common sense.


So why would Kate Fitch try to encourage me from dropping out of the course, and when confronted she becomes defensive and shows an open admiration for my stamina, performance, and astute will?  I have set an Australian record for the most universities studied within a single state within Australia (WASM, Curtin, UWA, ECU, Notre Dame, Murdoch and even TAFE).  The actions of the staff within Murdoch, and most notably UWA, have cost me my life!  I have wasted five years of my life looking and procuring employment, I do intend to sue the universities for academic malpractice and I do desire a hefty compensation!  I am broke, I need legal representation, I need someone that will confront some key individuals (ie: Trevor Tudor, of which I was in good terms with) so as to warrant the legality of my case.  No single student achieved four (or five should I say) identical grades in any given semester before, especially low grades – bear in mind I was the cream of the crop.


The actions of these university incumbents have affected my livelihood, my sanity, my sleeping habits (crippling me) and have caused much emotional hurt and destroyed the very sanctity of my life in the process.  I cannot make up for the lost time and my studied learning(s) have grown rusty with age even if I were to attain an interview nowadays (a logical impossibility).  In the past I have approached you before but instead I was just told to contact the ‘law society’ who directed me to the ‘mental health law centre’ who directed me to ‘legal aid’ of whom directed me back to you in a circular nature.  I NEED HELP!


Surely you, being the ombudsman and possessing many years of experience, can indicate to me the correct ‘key individual’ that indeed could represent me and pursue my case for me.  Earnings from such a lawsuit could pay all fees involved for the incumbent provided he/she is confident of this legal case.  Rationality, logic, and darn good common sense would warrant an immediate success in this lawsuit.  What has gone unmentioned in this letter is the vast extent in which the actions of the accused lecturers, or academic panels, have had onto my life.  Tales of personal hardship as a result of these happenings have gone unmentioned so far.




Lexmilian de Mello

15 August 2013



What was interesting to note is that following the eventual release of my academic grades most lecturers were in abscondment to say the very least, aka. unreachable.  I did get the chance to confabulate with some certain individuals prior to release of my academic results, in particular Frank Tudor and Paul Tiernan at UWA, and Kate Fitch at Murdoch as the lecturers were intent on discovering the true nature of my ambitious career plans ahead of time prior to releasing their ‘adjusted’ grade results.  Of note was the fact that at Murdoch the academic grades were not ‘normalised’, and I am led to believe that was the case as well for my tenure at UWA for the given time in question (academic staff at UWA & Murdoch simply ‘chose’ my grades and I was not assessed for my work as one should have been).


At this pre-screening meeting at UWA only a few students were selected to be interviewed by Paul & Frank, and as best as I can remember two classmates may have been interviewed also, this mayhap being Jobin, Gaurav and myself (I am sure more were brought into question).  In this interview we had to highlight our study habits and I was quizzically inquired as to how I could have answered every single question in each of my exams.  My perspective of the whole ordeal was that it would have been ameliorative to the betterment of my own self and being.  When inquired as to how I managed to stay awake to study so darn much I made mention I was drinking about 2 litres of caffeine/coffee a day and taking energy supplements by which time they laughed and indicated to me that there would be nothing I would have to worry about.  The matter of the fact the whole experience was a remonstrance of the extent an individual can seemingly be brainwashed (and that being the operative word as myself and the other students only had faint recollections of such ‘secret’ meetings – it felt like I had been hypnotised for I forgot of this instance in near entirety were it not for the fact that I keep a diary and made vague mention of it).


It is indistinguishable to note that in the meeting orchestrated by Kate Fitch that her initial grounds for summoning me for an interview lay with the basis of an in-class assignment that I submitted to Christina Tan on the concept of ‘Public Relations’ ethics – note, I graduated in honorary standing in ‘Ethics’ at the university of Notre Dame so I knew the course matter in relations to this topic better than the lecturer herself.  Kate Fitch informed me she also received complaints from Renae Desai and Tyron Love because I was finishing the class work several many weeks ahead of time, and hence they did not like my attitude as I was making the whole course look too easy and in the process discrediting the university itself.  At the beginning of the meeting Kate Fitch was resorting to endearing insolent abusive words but upon hearing my tone of voice two tones deeper in comportment, and my valid reasoning as to the pre-mentioned lecturers juvenile behaviour, her mannerisms and speech drastically changed and that is when Kate Fitch proceeded on a discourse to try to encourage me from dropping out of university as she simply stated, “you would have nothing left to learn by doing an additional degree in Public Relations”.  She indicated to me that studying at Murdoch would be a waste of my time as I was clearly operating from a level far above that of a mere student and that indeed it was a waste of my money.  She asked, ‘what do you hope on getting out of this course?’, by which I explained that I would be setting an Australian record for the most universities studied in a single semester and that by being a student I would still be able to qualify for the oil and gas engineering graduate roles which necessitated I be a recent graduate of at least two years from date of completion.  I then point out discrepancies in the assignments of other students (who achieved a mark close to 100%) in contrast to my own assignment that was fully structured and referenced but with only a small mark assigned to it.  Kate Fitch became embarrassed and portrayed a variegation demeanour in her own personality.  It was clear to me then that my grades for Murdoch would transmogrify into a similar experience that I had in UWA, and this is the main reason I requested to sit my exams via a computer instead of handwritten (not to mention I suffer from tremors on my hand) because then I would be able to keep a copy of my last exam as testable proof that indeed I had been victimised.


Constitutive to a prosperous start as a graduate within the oil and gas industry, it was a fundamental necessity for my academic grades to be of an excelling nature.  I was well aware of the competitiveness to attain a job within the oil and gas industry and whereas my undergraduate academic career was completed with little and no study (at higher results than 68% I can assure you) my post graduate experience was different, that is I studied a lot and is was very much within my desiderative interest to outperform all my competing colleagues whilst still remaining altruistic in essence.  My academic appeal for UWA occurred the very same evening the long overdue grades were received, and I can assure you my mental state was of utter incredulity as I literally knew the whole coursework off by heart, after all I did study blo*dy well so...  Unlike Murdoch, I did not openly succumb to the laissez-faire bureaucracy – at Murdoch I could see the same story repeating itself and I was well aware of the futility of an academic appeal (I did keep two of the three exams though – alas, I had no chance to insert my USB stick to download a copy of the additional subject missed without being noticed, but I did obtain some proof).


Unfortunately for me the very nature of being a top performer did not guarantee much time to build on a proper and better appeal (David Bacarrini already indicated to me he ‘binned’ my exam paper – it was not my fault they didn’t release the grades in time for me to lodge an appeal).  Before I knew it I was back undulatingly into the cycle of studies, and the procrastination in reply to my appeal was starting to affect my study habits.  Lizhen Gao, the supervisor for 322 page dissertation on ‘Iron Ore Processing’ finally approached me and personally advised that it would be best for me to drop my appeal altogether because otherwise there would be ‘severe repercussions’ – Brett Kirk (School Dean at the time) also advised me of similar grounds but in a much more passive way.  What could I do?  The lecturers all indicated to me that an appeal would be useless, but I knew what I had done, that is I had graduated with 100% in seven out of eight classes; the only exemption being ‘Ocean Engineering’ of which I scored 78% because I seemingly interpreted an equation that was given to us wrongly, in fact I thought I noticed an error – I doubt they would have purposely given me a different exam paper so that I would err, this as I sat my exams in a separate venue to other students for the peace and serenity (fact is I was given an extra ten minutes time due to my hand tremors but I still made sure that in all my classes I left before all other colleagues as such was the extent of my studious lore).


Did I mention that in ALL my classes I was the first to submit and hand in due assignments in all my post graduate studies?  It was hence then warranted, and prearranged, that I never be caught of plagiarism which in turn ought to have left me on a very good standing at the board of examiners – UWA was bureaucratically organized at the time.  All late assignment handing in rules were inapplicable to me, and it was clearly apparent to all lecturers that if there ever was one student doing all the work for his fellow classmates then that person would have to be me given my social interactions in classes and tutorials – students flocked to my spreadsheets in full view of lecturers in some tutorials.  Of note is that my assignments at UWA did portray some errors, this as engineering should never be a process of articulate nature but instead of results.  During my classes in ‘Drilling Engineering’ I actually submitted my calculations on the basis of being a first draft, and I exceedingly voiced my concerns to both my lecturers that ALL students were colluding and plagiarising thus accentuating the need that indeed I was different from the rest.  In fact, one time Vamegh asked a fellow classmate by the name of Rohan as to who had been working together with whom.  I was not there when this happened but I later found out that Rohan denounced the WHOLE class as a colluding plagiarising bunch with the exception of me only – already bearing notion that these lecturers knew full well as to whom forsooth was the shining impeccable student in class was (me).


In fact I tried my best to be amatorious to all my fellow students but this proved to be an overwhelmingly hard ordeal especially when some were condescending in the comportments towards me during our time together.  It was amazing to notice that fellow classmates started doing other people’s work once they attained jobs – that is, a few students didn’t even complete their own assignments because they were too busy in earning money (I helped some students in this situation as well).  I did attain one interview upon graduating (out of many hundreds of other applications) and this was with ‘Woodside’ based on Perth.  What I found insulting about this interview is that the interviewees were placing words for my answers in the questions without me being given a chance to answer the questions myself.  Mind you, I was in the middle of studies when I was requested for an interview and I did not have the time to memorize the whole history of the organization and yet focus on my studies, although this should not have been a problem if my grades were portrayed correctly.  The position was for a ‘Drilling Engineering’ graduate, a unit of which I was assigned 68% despite memorizing the ENTIRE textbook inclusive of the advanced sections not assessed within the course.


As it happened the years went by me fast, I graduated in mid-2008 and it is now 2013 and I am still unemployed having only worked a few months in demeaning roles and having pursued additional education in three other universities (the whole time looking for work).  I deserved better than this and by attaining a student loan I expect to be assessed proper, as is within my favour (which clearly was not the case).  And in the end I guess I just joined the ranks of the overqualified, but yet inexperienced, minority.



piece of information in every one of my units, I kept up to date, I did not plagiarize or collude (and even sought to prove that collusion was rampart amongst students to some lecturers), and I still (somehow) managed to keep a social life with the remnants of my time.  Now the problem is that I needed to increase my average to ~80-85%, to say the least, in order to qualify for a scholarship in MIT (Finance by coursework, $40k a year + fees paid) for the course I have been meaning to do since a decade ago.  If not, at least I wanted to broaden my options to Oxford, or a place where I can get a hefty scholarship too.  The disturbing thing is that despite my witty efforts, my helping and mentoring of classmates, and my much earned knowledge, I received the following results:


Oil and Gas Economics                                     68

Drilling Engineering                                         68

Ocean Engineering                                          78

Completions Engineering                                 64

Oil and Gas Legal Frameworks                           68

Facilities Design                                             68


I need not say my expected marks, but if I were to hint at them it would be enough to know that they would surely have boosted my average to what I needed, probably in excess.


Now, I consider you to be a person of reason, and it should be clearly obvious that the odds of achieving 68% for four subjects in one semester are pretty astronomical.  To say the least, [78+64] / 2 = 71 ~ 68 in itself (maybe done in a discreet manner).


Now it is also interesting to note, from my rudimentary archaic binary skills, that 68 is 0100 0100 in binary, whilst 64 is 0100 0000.  I would consider it unlikely that this sort of error could be made from a programming perspective but the coincidence is incredible.


Note that in a high level language such as visual basic you should never ever be dealing with binary strings, which says to me, someone has recorded binary strings somewhere and then tried to parse them.


In a fictional likely case scenario, it is quite likely that the intention was to anoint me with 100% for my units given my extra work in and out of class (given the 0100 binary coding) – of course, it is logical that in some units scoring would not have been perfect, but I believe my answers could have been possibly better than a few lecturers would have answered themselves.


The only anomaly is the score of 78%.  78 in binary is 0100 1110, this indicates that there quite likely wasn’t a computer error in the records database, and in a maybe fictional case scenario it may relate to the mark this specific lecturer wanted (and thought I deserved) me to get.


Which in the end leaves me baffled…  Let us look at the results again: 68 68 78 64 68 68, it does indeed appear very odd and logically unlikely.


Now there is the matter of 64% in completions engineering…  I indeed find it tragic and rude to be told that my lowest scoring mark was for the subject I was certain I would have scored the best in.  In this unit not only did I finish summarizing all the notes within the first 8 days, but I pretty much memorized them soon after.  Now, do you think it is easy memorizing/learning, and understanding the plethora of given slides?  Well, in actual fact it is extremely easy, it just requires a lot of time and devotion – that is all.  I had even finished my first draft (of many) of the main assignment within days of getting given the assignment (1st-2nd week of 6), and I even handed a copy to the lecturer at the time to at least inform me, and give me an idea, to see if that is the kind of work she was looking for (I did not expect more than a yes or no).  In the end I was told that my work was ‘very high standard’ – and this was only my crude draft!!!


Ahem, so I could list little drama stories with every single unit I partook in, ie: students colluding (not me), me aiding classmates in excess (such is the team spirit), the fact I would finish exams before other students and extra allocated time for my own self dignity, abiding by recommended exam directions in ‘drilling engineering’ and trying to write no more than two sentences for each question (C’mon, I knew the answer to every question, yet again, here – I finished with one hour to spare), and so on…


I am not certain how academic grades are passed past the board of examiners, nor am I certain how they are inputted into the system, however, of what I am certain is that I am a better student than what the university has seen me to be.  My morale is broken, my dreams are almost gone, and I know not how to pursue with my studies the same way.  I scored higher results in some units on my undergraduate when I would just study before the tests – I see little motivation to continue aiming forwards now.


[PS:  In the past I have also experienced troubles with my given grades lowering significantly several months after.  Why is this?  Once posted they should be right, who changes them and why?]








Lexmilian de Mello


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